Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Jepara Governor Election

The election was held on the day when the activity of Sidigede KKN Team 1 is still running. We had one month activity and the election was held in the middle of the month. Many preparation was held by the election committee especially a week before the election, and so did Sidigede Village.

Pemilihan umum diadakan pada hari dimana aktivitas KKN Tim 1 Desa Sidigede masih berjalan. Kami memiliki satu bulan waktu kerja dan pemilihan tersebut berlangsung di tengah bulan. Persiapan yang matang dilakukan oleh panitia pemilu terutama seminggu sebelum pemilihan berlangsung, sama halnya dengan Desa Sidigede.

Sidigede Village started to promote the election the day before the election, and the head of the village asked for a help to the team, in order to promote the election and also gave some information to the whole people in the village.  

Desa Sidigede memulai untuk mempromosikan pemilu sehari sebelum pemilu dilaksanakan, dan petinggi desa meminta kami untuk membantu dalam mempromosikan pemilu tersebut dan juga memberikan beberapa informasi terkait pemilu kepada seluruh warga Desa Sidigede.

Team were brought around the village by pick up car

We were facilitated with a pick up car and sound system on it, and we were asked to inform Sidigede people about election and an order for them to attend the election tomorrow. We were brought around the village by that pick up and inform the announcement.

Kami difasilitasi dengan mobil bak terbuka dan perangkat suara di dalamnya, dan kemudian kami diminta untuk menginformasikan kepada seluruh warga Desa Sidigede tentang pemilu serta permintaan untuk datang melakukan pemilihan hari esoknya. Kami dibawa mengitari desa menggunakan mobil bak terbuka tersebut.

The day of election, few places of the village become an election center, where people reached it to elect their choice.

Pada hari pelaksanaan pemilu, beberapa tempat dijadikan sebagai Tempat Pemungutan Suara, dimana para warga datang untuk memilih pilihan mereka.

Sidigede people use their right to choose

Two days after the elcetion ends, the committee announce the winner of the election, and the next governor is from the candidate number 1

Dua hari setelah pemilu usai, panitia kemudian mengumumkan pemenang dari pemilu, dan yang menjadi bupati selanjutnya berasal dari calon nomor 1

Team with the election committee



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